My store front sells Japanese candy straight from Japan. The store offers a selection of chocolates, hard candies, and gummies for the user to choose from. . For more information about Assignment 2 click here!
I think one short coming is not having a favorites page for my IR5 assignment where I was supposed to have users rate their items. Whilst I was able to create a page to have users rate items, I ran out of time to actually implement a favorites system for the ratings.
I am most proud of my implementation of a dynamic page that cycles through an array of products via a navigation bar. Before this assignment I did not know how to create 3 separate webpages (technically) from 1 html file and learning how to implement that was quite eye opening.
I am least happy with how many pages a user must click through to finally generate their order. The design of my website required a user to click through their shopping cart, then invoice, to finally get to their thank you page. This design was implemented in order to complete various tasks on my end, but I recognize that it could have been a bit more stream line for the user to deal with. If I were to re-do this assignment, I would make less html pages for the user to click through.
This assignment took quite a bit of planning. I spent many days revising and tweaking my site’s overall design and implementation. I also found myself researching quite a bit more to implement various features that my user would access as I had no/ inadequate previous knowledge of the concept beforehand. I also found that actually implementing the code and removing bugs took more time as the assignment was more detail oriented and complicated.
Whenever I ran into problems I researched how to fix them on the internet. If I thought that I could tackle the problem with my own knowledge I used the debugger to determine the source of my error. Finally, if I couldn’t find adequate information on the web and my own debugging was insufficient I turned to my professor, Professor Port, and as for his help.
Something that worked well on my assignment was cycling through my products array in order to display products as well as keep track of them on my invoice page. I thought that this design was elegant and required minimal code on my part and presented me with a great end result.
Something that I had a lot of trouble with was determining how and when to use cookies and sessions. While I knew where I wanted to implement them, I had trouble figuring out how to implement them. The concept of using sessions and cookies was still very fresh to me as that was the last lab we had learned in the semester so I do not think I understood the concept well enough to implement it fully on my own just yet. However, with much trial and error and research I was able to figure it out and develop a working website!
I learned that research and asking for help are key factors to my success as a programmer. I also learned that taking “baby steps” and implementing components slowly and concisely served me more than rushing into things. I also learned so much more about sessions and cookies and how to use loops as well.
I would try to start even earlier than I did on my assignment 3 if I could do it again. Though I started about 5 days into the release of the instructions, I do think that if I had started earlier, I would’ve had more time to fix my errors instead of cleaning everything up just before the due date of my project. I also think I would’ve asked Professor Port for more help on implementing my sessions and cookies.
I spent about 70% of my time thinking about how to do something for this project, 10% of my time actually coding, and 20% of my time testing and debugging.
I did not work with any group members so I did 100% of the work on this assignment. I contributed all of the work done on this assignment.