14 Dec 2022
1. Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards). My store front sells Japanese candy straight from Japan. The store offers a selection of chocolates, hard candies, and gummies for the user to choose from. . For...
29 Nov 2022
Prototype of Assignment 3 I created a screencast to further elaborate on and explain my plan for Assignment #3. You can watch the screencast here.
22 Nov 2022
1. Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2 was an extension of Assignment 1 in that we were supposed to build off the webpage that we created in...
04 Nov 2022
1. My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: I am a lot more comfortable writing code from scratch. I am more familiar with the tags that I need to use to create certain formatting in my HTML...
26 Sep 2022
Summary of Most Recent WODs: For the past few weeks, we have been implementing the new skills we have learned both in our modules and in class in our WODs. Since my last blog post I have performed five more...
08 Sep 2022
WOD1: 17 min This was the only WOD that I DNF’d. I only read the instructions that told me how to set up for the WOD before I started timing myself. All of the instructions past “start your timer” were...
30 Aug 2022
Hi! My name is Lauren Gilliland. I was born and raised in Hawaii and currently attend UH Manoa. I am studying for a B.S. in Business Marketing and MIS. I highly value my free time as I do not have...